top chiropractic research

019- Manipulation vs. NSAID's: the Landmark Study

This landmark study from SPINE pitted manipulation against NSAID's and placebo. The results of this study are thorough, powerful, and clear. This is one of my favorite studies related to spinal manipulation (adjustments).

Episode Highlights-

Spinal high-velocity low amplitude manipulation in acute nonspecific low back pain: a double-blinded randomized controlled trial in comparison with diclofenac and placebo.

“This is the first time that spinal manipulation was investigated in a double-blinded randomized controlled design showing clear superiority compared with placebo and NSAID.”

“HVLA manipulation can be recommended for the therapy for acute nonspecific LBP.”

“Final evaluation showed manipulation being significantly better than NSAID and clinically superior to placebo.”

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017- Microdiskectomy vs Chiropractic Care- The Landmark Study

This week we look at one of my favorite chiropractic related studies ever released.  Learn about how Chiropractic care had improvement to the SAME degree as those who underwent surgery for radiculopathy secondary to lumbar disc herniation. Then, learn how to use this study to develop your practice.

Episode Highlights:

Manipulation or microdiskectomy for sciatica? A prospective randomized clinical study.

This episode brought to you in conjunction with Rocktape.

003- The Award Winning CHIRO Research Article

This weeks episode focuses on the award winning CHIRO Research article.

The CHIRO study received the 2010 Outstanding Paper award from The Spine Journal in part because it is a randomized controlled trial which places the treatment of acute low back pain in a “real world” context. The authors found that the study “clearly supports” the use of Evidence Based Care which included chiropractic manipulation as a focal treatment. In this study the patient age range was 19-65 years. We both know that improving patient outcomes in the acute phase of injury is imperative because the development of chronic back pain often begins with poor outcomes during acute management. In my opinion this study exhibits why cooperation and co- management of acute back pain can lead to better outcomes for our patients.

In short, the authors found-

“The evidence-based care group demonstrated significantly greater improvements in reported function through 6 months follow up.”

“The results of this study demonstrated that in equivalent groups of patients with Acute Low Back Pain of less than 4 weeks duration, carefully controlled and comprehensive Clinical Practice Guideline based care was associated with greater improvement in terms of condition specific functioning at 16 weeks...”

“This study follows two previous studies conducted by our group that demonstrated that treatments commonly recommended by primary care physicians are often highly guideline discordant, and other studies have demonstrated that PCP’s are highly resistant to changing their patterns of practice for managing patients with Acute Low Back Pain.”

This piece was highlighted as a Monthly Research Brief for the members of The Evidence Based Chiropractor.  Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals?  If so, click here.

Episode Highlights-

The Chiropractic Hospital-based Interventions Research Outcomes (CHIRO) study: a randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of clinical practice guidelines in the medical and chiropractic management of patients with acute mechanical low back pain. SPINE 2010

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Featured as one of our "Top 10 Chiropractic Research Articles"

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