chiropractic safety

Safety of the Chiropractic Adjustment Evaluated by Tissue Damage Markers- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor

Just last year, Disease Markers released a study which examined tissue damage markers after patients received a chiropractic adjustment.  As we know, the safety of the chiropractic adjustment is a primary concern to both patients' and their primary care physicians.

Safety is a huge concern for both consumers and other physicians.

Safety is a huge concern for both consumers and other physicians.

Most other doctors have NO CLUE what we do as chiropractors! Showcasing research that highlights the safety of our care is critical when you are building referral relationships.

This study looked at tissue damage markers pre-treatment, post-treatment, and post-treatment +2 hours. The treatment groups included a control group, a group receiving a cervical spine adjustment, and a group receiving a thoracic spine adjustment. 

“Our data show no changes in any of the studied damage markers.” 

As you can see below, the researchers found no indication of tissue damage after patients received a chiropractic adjustment. This is a great study to present to your local referral partners. Pro-actively addressing concerns regarding safety is key when developing referral relationships with other local health care providers. 

I was also super impressed that the paper cited the benefits of chiropractic- such as reduced inflammation, pain relief, and the well-documented reduction in drug consumption for those receiving care.

Keep in mind- highlighting benefits is often more effective than features.

Here are some other cool finding from the authors of the study:

“The aim of this preliminary study is to determine the possible noxious effects of spinal manipulation.”

“Spine manipulation is a manual therapy technique commonly applied, which presents benefits for patients such as an anti-inflammatory effect, pain relief, and reduction of drug consumption.”

“…lower cervical and thoracic manipulation techniques seem to be safe manual therapy techniques which cause no harm to the health of a subject.”

See the study on PubMed- Tissue damage markers after a spinal manipulation in healthy subjects: a preliminary report of a randomized controlled trial.


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Disease Markers, vol. 2014

-The Evidence Based Chiropractor has assisted hundreds of chiropractors around the globe build interdisciplinary referral relationships.

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Risk of Traumatic Injury 76% Lower Visiting a Chiropractor than a Primary Care Physician- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor

Just today SPINE released an epub ahead of print which found, "Among Medicare beneficiaries aged 66-99 with an office visit risk for a neuromusculoskeletal problem, risk of injury to the head, neck or trunk within 7 days was 76% lower among subjects with a chiropractic office visit as compared to those who saw a primary care physician."

That is a startling difference in risk. While, in my opinion, the safety and efficacy of chiropractic care is well documented, it took me by surprise to see the dramatic results of this study. 

Below I have included a direct link to the Pubmed page. What are your thoughts on this new research? 


When Should I See a Chiropractor? by The Evidence Based Chiropractor

Eight out of ten people will experience back pain at some point in their life, and at least one third of the people in our community have back pain at any given time. For many people, the pain can keep them away from work, school, or even their day-to-day activities. If pain causes interruptions and restrictions in the activities of your daily life then you should consult a health care provider.

Chiropractors are highly educated and extensively trained to evaluate, diagnose, and treat conditions disorders of the spine, joints, muscle and nervous systems. These disorders may include back pain, neck pain, headaches, referred pain in your arms and legs, etc. Many patients seek chiropractic treatment for wellness care. Others, like seniors, find that treatment helps them to maintain mobility and good range of motion.

Pain should never become a way of life, especially when qualified help is available. 

-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the leading DC/MD marketing and outreach group in the world.  Our service is dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research.  Marketing to medical doctors through research is efficient, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals.  Join us.  Lets grow chiropractic together.
