Neck Pain Research

Chiropractic Featured in Prevention Magazine

    PREVENTION magazine is a "sensation" in the health care world.  It garners 2-3 million unique visitors each and every month and creates a lot of influence with its readers for healthcare decision making.

     I was fortunate to be included in a fantastic piece titled, "6 Things Chiropractors Can Help with- and What They Can't".

     This piece touches on back pain, headaches, pregnancy care, as well as blood pressure and digestive issues.

   This article, in a leading publication, is a huge "win" for Chiropractic and shines an extremely favorable light on what we are doing each and every day in practice. Enjoy, share, and let me know what you think!

-The Evidence Based Chiropractor has assisted hundreds of chiropractors around the globe build interdisciplinary referral relationships.

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Is My Pain Coming from My Neck or Arm?

Is My Pain Coming from My Neck or Arm? 

Millions of people each day suffer from pain, numbness, and/or weakness in their arms and hands. This type of pain can range from mild to unbearable. Often, the people suffering report muscle spasms and headaches as well.

Does those sound like you?

It may surprise you to learn that these symptoms (the arm and hand pain, numbness, weakness) can stem from a problem in your neck. The nerves that exit between each bone, or vertebrae, in the neck extend out and down the shoulders, arms, and hands. If these nerves come irritated or compressed than it can lead to symptoms in the upper extremities. The irritation or compression commonly results from a challenge such as a herniated disc or bone spur. Both the disc or spur can take up space in the delicate canal which the nerve exits. This can lead to small amounts compression. This compression will irritate the nerve and result in symptoms. 

Researchers have found that nearly 90% of us will have neck or back pain at some point in our life. 

The good news is that 50-60% will recover within one week.  An additional 30-40% will recover within 90 days. But that still leaves 10% of us which will have chronic neck or back pain. Fortunately, there are alternatives aside from surgery or living on higher and higher doses of medication. Chiropractic care care has been shown to greatly improve the symptoms associated with neck pain. Additionally, chiropractic care has been shown to actually DECREASE intra-discal pressure- which can improve the radiating symptoms which appear in the arms and hands. Some people with neck pain may be fearful of going to a chiropractor and having an adjustment on their neck when it hurts. It feels as though any motion would cause more pain, and if you have never had an adjustment before, it can be stressful. What many people don’t know is that chiropractors have a variety of techniques to help with neck pain. Not every patient needs a “traditional” chiropractic adjustment which we often see on TV.  There are many LOW impact techniques which can be used to help reduce neck and arm pain. 

The most important when diagnosing neck pain is always a thorough case history, examination and evaluation. Sometimes additional diagnostics such as an X-ray or MRI are ordered. After a diagnosis has been made then your chiropractor will be able to choose the best technique for your challenges. 

-The Evidence Based Chiropractor has assisted hundreds of chiropractors around the globe build interdisciplinary referral relationships.

Have you viewed our FREE Guides?  Download The MD Meeting and the 5 Secrets to MD Referrals today.


The Essentials of MRI for the Practicing Chiropractor- CE Course November 7th in Tampa

I am thrilled to announce the chiropractic continuing education event above.  It will take place in Tampa, Fl on November 7th.  More details are to follow. However, there has already been huge interest in this program- so please reach out soon if you would like to attend.  I can guarantee you will receive a dynamic event filled with truly actionable content you will be able to use in your office on Monday. 

-The Evidence Based Chiropractor has assisted hundreds of chiropractors around the globe build interdisciplinary referral relationships.

Have you viewed our FREE Guides?  Download The MD Meeting and the 5 Secrets to MD Referrals today.


Safety of the Chiropractic Adjustment Evaluated by Tissue Damage Markers- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor

Just last year, Disease Markers released a study which examined tissue damage markers after patients received a chiropractic adjustment.  As we know, the safety of the chiropractic adjustment is a primary concern to both patients' and their primary care physicians.

Safety is a huge concern for both consumers and other physicians.

Safety is a huge concern for both consumers and other physicians.

Most other doctors have NO CLUE what we do as chiropractors! Showcasing research that highlights the safety of our care is critical when you are building referral relationships.

This study looked at tissue damage markers pre-treatment, post-treatment, and post-treatment +2 hours. The treatment groups included a control group, a group receiving a cervical spine adjustment, and a group receiving a thoracic spine adjustment. 

“Our data show no changes in any of the studied damage markers.” 

As you can see below, the researchers found no indication of tissue damage after patients received a chiropractic adjustment. This is a great study to present to your local referral partners. Pro-actively addressing concerns regarding safety is key when developing referral relationships with other local health care providers. 

I was also super impressed that the paper cited the benefits of chiropractic- such as reduced inflammation, pain relief, and the well-documented reduction in drug consumption for those receiving care.

Keep in mind- highlighting benefits is often more effective than features.

Here are some other cool finding from the authors of the study:

“The aim of this preliminary study is to determine the possible noxious effects of spinal manipulation.”

“Spine manipulation is a manual therapy technique commonly applied, which presents benefits for patients such as an anti-inflammatory effect, pain relief, and reduction of drug consumption.”

“…lower cervical and thoracic manipulation techniques seem to be safe manual therapy techniques which cause no harm to the health of a subject.”

See the study on PubMed- Tissue damage markers after a spinal manipulation in healthy subjects: a preliminary report of a randomized controlled trial.


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Disease Markers, vol. 2014

-The Evidence Based Chiropractor has assisted hundreds of chiropractors around the globe build interdisciplinary referral relationships.

Have you viewed our FREE Guides?  Download The MD Meeting and the 5 Secrets to MD Referrals today.


Risk of Traumatic Injury 76% Lower Visiting a Chiropractor than a Primary Care Physician- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor

Just today SPINE released an epub ahead of print which found, "Among Medicare beneficiaries aged 66-99 with an office visit risk for a neuromusculoskeletal problem, risk of injury to the head, neck or trunk within 7 days was 76% lower among subjects with a chiropractic office visit as compared to those who saw a primary care physician."

That is a startling difference in risk. While, in my opinion, the safety and efficacy of chiropractic care is well documented, it took me by surprise to see the dramatic results of this study. 

Below I have included a direct link to the Pubmed page. What are your thoughts on this new research? 
