The Evidence Based Chiropractor- Chiropractic Marketing and Research

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Unleash Your Custom Audience. The Most Powerful Facebook Ad Strategy- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor

Are you currently collecting the data and information from the visitors to your website? If not, you are missing out on a HUGE opportunity to build your practice.   

Let's say that you spend money each month on print advertisements in your local paper, marketing handouts, or Facebook ads.  First, you should know how much money its costing you to get a person to visit your website from these ads (it could be a specific landing page, isolated phone number, etc).  A vast majority of people will not respond to the ads.  So the prospective patients that actually visit your website are already highly targeted clientele who have an interest in your practice.  These are the people who should be filing your office!  

Creating a Facebook Custom Audience is one of the best ways to provide value for these patients and be able to retarget your message to them.  Facebook Custom Audiences are created by simply installing a "pixel", or piece of code on your website (which is invisible).  This code captures the information of everyone who visits your webpage and automatically creates a list of these people on Facebook.  Then, when you make your next Facebook ad, you can specifically choose this list of people to target your message!   

So to wrap things up, a Facebook Custom Audience is a set of people who have already visited your website (highly targeted, already interested people) whom you can retarget through Facebook ads and provide high value content.  Don't waste money on print ads and other advertising without creating a Custom Audience!

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-The Evidence Based Chiropractor has assisted hundreds of chiropractors around the globe build interdisciplinary referral relationships.

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