Over 250 Million Opioid Prescriptions in 2012- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor

An article in USA Today shed light on the fact that over a quarter BILLION opioid prescriptions were issued in 2012.  This is estimated to be enough to give a prescription to every adult in the United States.  

Research has proven the devastating effects of opioid dependency, and also exposed the startling addiction rates.  Some states in the southeast US have nearly 150 prescriptions for every 100 residents.  This is despite the fact that many national health organizations have spoke out, and recommended against, the prescriptions of opioids except in extreme circumstances.  

A crack down on the "pill mills" which were operating throughout the state of Florida resulted in a decrease of over 50% in oxycodone related deaths.  While as chiropractors we are not in a position (legal or ethical) to recommended or discontinue the medications of any patients; it is imperative that we address and promote alternative sources of pain relief.  When an physician refers a patient to a chiropractor instead of writing a prescription; it just may save a life.  

-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession.  We are dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research.  Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals.  Join us.  Lets grow chiropractic together.
